Monday, December 14, 2009

Journal Day 8

In day 8 we showed the teacher the film and all the important thing then we discussed in our group about every thing that we did.

Journal Day 7

In day 7 we continued with the create the final thing and it took us the whole lesson.

Journal Day 6

In day 6 we tried to upload the videos. and after that we continued with the other things.

Journal Day 5

In day 5 as i said we went again and film the stages so that took us most of the time.

Journal Day 4

in day 4 we our group went out of the class room and film the stages that was much all the time for the period. but the last 4 minutes we said that we need to add the film in the website but it didn't work because we didn't have the wire to add it so we said that we will film again tomorrow.

Journal Day 3

In day 3 before i started to carry on i asked one of the student in
my group to give me an idea on website so that i can carry on to my
create. After he gave me the idea i started the create stage.

journal day 2

In day 2 we talked to each other for 5 minutes and then we started the create.

journal Day 1

In day one we my group discussed about what each of us do. before class finished we discussed our roles.